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NO.35-SOLD Incense Burner- NO.35 Goblin Incense burner Rebirth of the oriental guardian with fragrance. The Korean goblin called “Dokkaebi” is a mythical character that has strong magical power and scary appearance. However it is more like a guardian than a devil. It helps people, teaches people. Even though it plays prank on people sometimes, it was naive enough to help people eventually. I found the lamp..
Incense Burner- NO.34 - SOLD Incense Burner- NO.34 Goblin Incense burner Rebirth of the oriental guardian with fragrance. The Korean goblin called “Dokkaebi” is a mythical character that has strong magical power and scary appearance. However it is more like a guardian than a devil. It helps people, teaches people. Even though it plays prank on people sometimes, it was naive enough to help people eventually. I found the lamp..
NO.33-SOLD Incense Burner- NO.33 Goblin Incense burner Rebirth of the oriental guardian with fragrance. The Korean goblin called “Dokkaebi” is a mythical character that has strong magical power and scary appearance. However it is more like a guardian than a devil. It helps people, teaches people. Even though it plays prank on people sometimes, it was naive enough to help people eventually. I found the lamp..
Incense Burner- NO.32 - SOLD Incense Burner- NO.32 Goblin Incense burner Rebirth of the oriental guardian with fragrance. The Korean goblin called “Dokkaebi” is a mythical character that has strong magical power and scary appearance. However it is more like a guardian than a devil. It helps people, teaches people. Even though it plays prank on people sometimes, it was naive enough to help people eventually. I found the lamp..
NO.31 - SOLD -The Noguchi Museum, NY Incense Burner- NO.31 Goblin Incense burner Rebirth of the oriental guardian with fragrance. The Korean goblin called “Dokkaebi” is a mythical character that has strong magical power and scary appearance. However it is more like a guardian than a devil. It helps people, teaches people. Even though it plays prank on people sometimes, it was naive enough to help people eventually. I found the lamp..
SOLD-NO.30 Incense Burner- NO.30   Goblin Incense burner Rebirth of the oriental guardian with fragrance.   The Korean goblin called “Dokkaebi” is a mythical character that has strong magical power and scary appearance.   However it is more like a guardian than a devil.   It helps people, teaches people. Even though it plays prank on people sometimes,  it was naive enough to help people eventually.   I fou..
NO.28 - SOLD -The Noguchi Museum, NY Incense Burner- NO.28 Goblin Incense burner Rebirth of the oriental guardian with fragrance. The Korean goblin called “Dokkaebi” is a mythical character that has strong magical power and scary appearance. However it is more like a guardian than a devil. It helps people, teaches people. Even though it plays prank on people sometimes, it was naive enough to help people eventually. I found the lamp..
NO.27 - SOLD -The Noguchi Museum, NY Incense Burner- NO.27 Goblin Incense burner Rebirth of the oriental guardian with fragrance. The Korean goblin called “Dokkaebi” is a mythical character that has strong magical power and scary appearance. However it is more like a guardian than a devil. It helps people, teaches people. Even though it plays prank on people sometimes, it was naive enough to help people eventually. I found the lamp..
NO.26 - SOLD -The Noguchi Museum, NY Incense Burner- NO.26 Goblin Incense burner Rebirth of the oriental guardian with fragrance. The Korean goblin called “Dokkaebi” is a mythical character that has strong magical power and scary appearance. However it is more like a guardian than a devil. It helps people, teaches people. Even though it plays prank on people sometimes, it was naive enough to help people eventually. I found the lamp..
NO.25 - SOLD -The Noguchi Museum, NY Incense Burner- NO.25 Goblin Incense burner Rebirth of the oriental guardian with fragrance. The Korean goblin called “Dokkaebi” is a mythical character that has strong magical power and scary appearance. However it is more like a guardian than a devil. It helps people, teaches people. Even though it plays prank on people sometimes, it was naive enough to help people eventually. I found the lamp..
NO.24 - SOLD -The Noguchi Museum, NY Incense Burner- NO.22 Goblin Incense burner Rebirth of the oriental guardian with fragrance. The Korean goblin called “Dokkaebi” is a mythical character that has strong magical power and scary appearance. However it is more like a guardian than a devil. It helps people, teaches people. Even though it plays prank on people sometimes, it was naive enough to help people eventually. I found the lamp..
NO.22-SOLD-The Noguchi Museum, NY Incense Burner- NO.22 Goblin Incense burner Rebirth of the oriental guardian with fragrance. The Korean goblin called “Dokkaebi” is a mythical character that has strong magical power and scary appearance. However it is more like a guardian than a devil. It helps people, teaches people. Even though it plays prank on people sometimes, it was naive enough to help people eventually. I found the lamp..
NO.20_SOLD -The Noguchi Museum, NY Incense Burner- NO.20 Goblin Incense burner Rebirth of the oriental guardian with fragrance. The Korean goblin called “Dokkaebi” is a mythical character that has strong magical power and scary appearance. However it is more like a guardian than a devil. It helps people, teaches people. Even though it plays prank on people sometimes, it was naive enough to help people eventually. I found the lamp..

10525 THR ceramic studio

49-4, Yonghyeon-ro, Deogyang-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

Email / info@dogabi.kr            Tel /0507-1330-9976

www.thr.kr /   thr-ceramic.com/     naldak.kr / dogabi.kr 

사업자 등록번호 : 128-91-63204 / 통신판매업신고증 : 제2019-고양덕양구-0440호

copyrightⓒ2003 by THR ceramic studio

All Pictures cannot be copied with out permission