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NO-20 LAMP _ No20 DOGABI lamps become more three-dimensional and unique when the light is emitted. During the day, it will be a piece of art that makes the space unique, and will provide a different experience every time it gets dark. This can be taken with you wherever you go and will make you even more special. It includes LED lights inside and can be powered by a cell phone charger or portable batt..
SOLD-NO-TAKAMICHI BEAUTY ROOM, NY LAMP _ No. 19DOGABI lamps become more three-dimensional and unique when the light is emitted.During the day, it will be a piece of art that makes the space unique, and will provide a different experience every time it gets dark. This can be taken with you wherever you go and will make you even more special. It includes LED lights inside and can be powered by a cell phone charger or portable batt..
NO-18 LAMP _ No18 DOGABI lamps become more three-dimensional and unique when the light is emitted. During the day, it will be a piece of art that makes the space unique, and will provide a different experience every time it gets dark. This can be taken with you wherever you go and will make you even more special. It includes LED lights inside and can be powered by a cell phone charger or portable batt..
NO-17 LAMP _ No17 DOGABI lamps become more three-dimensional and unique when the light is emitted. During the day, it will be a piece of art that makes the space unique, and will provide a different experience every time it gets dark. This can be taken with you wherever you go and will make you even more special. It includes LED lights inside and can be powered by a cell phone charger or portable batt..
NO-16 LAMP _ No16 DOGABI lamps become more three-dimensional and unique when the light is emitted. During the day, it will be a piece of art that makes the space unique, and will provide a different experience every time it gets dark. This can be taken with you wherever you go and will make you even more special. It includes LED lights inside and can be powered by a cell phone charger or portable batt..
SOLD-NO-15 LAMP _ No15DOGABI lamps become more three-dimensional and unique when the light is emitted.During the day, it will be a piece of art that makes the space unique, and will provide a different experience every time it gets dark. This can be taken with you wherever you go and will make you even more special. It includes LED lights inside and can be powered by a cell phone charger or portable batter..
NO-14 LAMP _ No14 DOGABI lamps become more three-dimensional and unique when the light is emitted. During the day, it will be a piece of art that makes the space unique, and will provide a different experience every time it gets dark. This can be taken with you wherever you go and will make you even more special. It includes LED lights inside and can be powered by a cell phone charger or portable batt..
SOLD-NO-13- TAKAMICHI BEAUTY ROOM, NY LAMP _ No13 DOGABI lamps become more three-dimensional and unique when the light is emitted. During the day, it will be a piece of art that makes the space unique, and will provide a different experience every time it gets dark. This can be taken with you wherever you go and will make you even more special. It includes LED lights inside and can be powered by a cell phone charger or portable batt..
SOLD-NO-12 LAMP _ No12 DOGABI lamps become more three-dimensional and unique when the light is emitted. During the day, it will be a piece of art that makes the space unique, and will provide a different experience every time it gets dark. This can be taken with you wherever you go and will make you even more special. It includes LED lights inside and can be powered by a cell phone charger or portable batt..
NO-11 LAMP _ No11 DOGABI lamps become more three-dimensional and unique when the light is emitted. During the day, it will be a piece of art that makes the space unique, and will provide a different experience every time it gets dark. This can be taken with you wherever you go and will make you even more special. It includes LED lights inside and can be powered by a cell phone charger or portable batt..
SOLD-NO-10 - TAKAMICHI BEAUTY ROOM, NY LAMP _ No10 DOGABI lamps become more three-dimensional and unique when the light is emitted. During the day, it will be a piece of art that makes the space unique, and will provide a different experience every time it gets dark. This can be taken with you wherever you go and will make you even more special. It includes LED lights inside and can be powered by a cell phone charger or portable batt..
SOLD - NO-9 - SPOOKSVILLA+FRIENDS . NY LAMP _ No9 DOGABI lamps become more three-dimensional and unique when the light is emitted. During the day, it will be a piece of art that makes the space unique, and will provide a different experience every time it gets dark. This can be taken with you wherever you go and will make you even more special. It includes LED lights inside and can be powered by a cell phone charger or portable batte..
SOLD- NO-8 - - SPOOKSVILLA+FRIENDS . NY LAMP _ No8 DOGABI lamps become more three-dimensional and unique when the light is emitted. During the day, it will be a piece of art that makes the space unique, and will provide a different experience every time it gets dark. This can be taken with you wherever you go and will make you even more special. It includes LED lights inside and can be powered by a cell phone charger or portable batte..
NO-7 Ceramic Lamp_ No7 도깨비는 강한 능력을 가지고 있는 신비로운 존재로 인간과 가장 가까운 신으로 여겨졌다. 나는 인간 삶의 한 가운데서 인간과 함께 하는, 인간과 가장 닮은 신 도깨비를 해학적이고 괴기스러운 얼굴을 조형적으로 풀어냈다. 내가 만든 공예품이 누군가 삶의 빛이 되어 줄 수 있는 단 하나의 예술품이 되기를 기대한다. - Material :Ceramic /Clay Developedin THR STUDIO - Method : Wheel Throwing, Sculpt - Kiln Temperature : 2,282℉, Oxidation Firing, Glaze / 1,472℉, Gold - Size : 130×130×190mm/ 1200g
NO-6 Ceramic Lamp_ No6 도깨비는 강한 능력을 가지고 있는 신비로운 존재로 인간과 가장 가까운 신으로 여겨졌다. 나는 인간 삶의 한 가운데서 인간과 함께 하는, 인간과 가장 닮은 신 도깨비를 해학적이고 괴기스러운 얼굴을 조형적으로 풀어냈다. 내가 만든 공예품이 누군가 삶의 빛이 되어 줄 수 있는 단 하나의 예술품이 되기를 기대한다. - Material :Ceramic /Clay Developedin THR STUDIO - Method : Wheel Throwing, Sculpt - Kiln Temperature : 2,282℉, Oxidation Firing, Glaze / 1,472℉, Gold - Size : 130×130×190mm/ 1200g
NO-5 Ceramic Lamp_ No5 도깨비는 강한 능력을 가지고 있는 신비로운 존재로 인간과 가장 가까운 신으로 여겨졌다. 나는 인간 삶의 한 가운데서 인간과 함께 하는, 인간과 가장 닮은 신 도깨비를 해학적이고 괴기스러운 얼굴을 조형적으로 풀어냈다. 내가 만든 공예품이 누군가 삶의 빛이 되어 줄 수 있는 단 하나의 예술품이 되기를 기대한다. - Material :Ceramic /Clay Developedin THR STUDIO - Method : Wheel Throwing, Sculpt - Kiln Temperature : 2,282℉, Oxidation Firing, Glaze / 1,472℉, Gold - Size : 130×130×190mm/ 1200g

10525 THR ceramic studio

49-4, Yonghyeon-ro, Deogyang-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

Email / info@dogabi.kr            Tel /0507-1330-9976

www.thr.kr /   thr-ceramic.com/     naldak.kr / dogabi.kr 

사업자 등록번호 : 128-91-63204 / 통신판매업신고증 : 제2019-고양덕양구-0440호

copyrightⓒ2003 by THR ceramic studio

All Pictures cannot be copied with out permission